The Laureates of the Evens Education Prize 2020

We are very happy to announce the three laureates of the Evens Education Prize 2020.

Last week the European expert jury of the Evens Education Prize 2020 gathered in a series of online meetings to select the laureates of this year’s edition. All applications in both categories were discussed in detail.

The jury unanimously agreed to award the 2020 prize in the practice category to Maslaha in the UK for their Schools with Roots project.
In the research category the prize will be shared between two programmes: Black Studies: Decolonising the university and creating critical education off campus of Prof. Kehinde Andrews (Birmingham City University) and Critical Media literacy through Making Media (MMM): A key to participation for migrant youth? of Prof. Koen Leurs (Utrecht University).

We would like to thank all the applicants for their participation and are looking forward to further collaborations!