We are delighted to launch our collaboration with the French daily newspaper Libération. En Presence des Images is an editorial series initiated by the Evens Foundation and developed with our long-standing partner LE BAL, the renowned Parisian research and exhibition centre dedicated to visual studies. Eleven authors have been invited to explore photographs that have marked or unsettled us, shaped our vision of the world or been relegated to the blind spots of our collective memory. The texts unfold the images and their historical, political and cultural significations, revealing how our gaze has been conditioned, and how ways of seeing persist or change over time.
The writer Emmanuelle Bayamack-Tam opens the series, followed by Bertrand Schefer, Arno Bertina, Kaoutar Harchi, Mathieu Larnaudie, Ryoko Sekiguchi, Oliver Rohe, Olivia Rosenthal, Tristan Garcia, Maylis de Kerangal and Helène Gaudy. The texts are published every Saturday, from October to December 2021, in French and in open access in the online version of the newspaper. Read the first text of the series here.