Grantee: Correctiv
Grantee: Correctiv – Radio Sakharov
In 2023, non-profit investigative journalism organisation Correctiv received a Strategic Microgrant to support its work on Radio Sakharov.
Radio Sakharov is a Russian language podcast launched in Germany by Russian journalists in exile following the introduction of sweeping censorship laws that saw the shutdown of independent media outlets in Russia. Correctiv is supporting the podcast through its Correctiv.Exile initiative, which "envisions a future where media professionals and journalists in exile are empowered to actively participate in democratic processes, demand reform and drive positive change both inside and outside Europe".
The need to support exiled journalists, activists and individuals has never been more urgent," explains Correctiv. "With increasing threats to freedom of expression and security around the world, many people are seeking refuge in Western countries like Germany. By expanding our exile program, we can support those facing integration challenges and empower them to advocate for democratic change.
The Evens Foundation grant was provided to help support a pilot collaboration with the young journalists and activists from NORM podcast studio to produce an exclusive podcast episode of the popular podcast show Soviet Divas, covering the life and works of Elena Bonner, a prominent soviet dissident, human right activist, world war veteran, doctor and writer.
This collaboration was also created to allow Radio Sakharov to pilot a new distribution and promotion scheme while creating content appealing to younger Russians disillusioned with the current system, helping prepare the next generation to participate in an eventual democratic transition, and partially cover the development of the technical infrastructure of the podcast platform itself, including integrating an API as a user-friendly search engine, as well as core costs.